Product Overview
Chevrolet, GMC 4L60E Automatic Transmission Pan with no Drain Plug, with 4 Tangs.
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4L60E 4-Speed Automatic Transmission Pan with Drain Plug
Chevrolet, GMC 4L60E Automatic Transmission Pan with no Drain Plug, step on one corner and round dimple in pan.
Chevrolet, GMC 4L60E Corvette Automatic Transmission Pan with Step, Round Indentation and no Drain Plug.
Chevrolet, GMC 4L60E Automatic Transmission Pan with no Drain Plug, step on one corner and no round dimple in pan.
Automatic Transmission Shell, Sun Reaction; Washer Type, Splines not Treated (The Beast) (incl. Special 4 Tang Washer)(24217145) (42298B)Compatible with / Fits Chevrolet, GMC, Geo700-R4, 4L60 1982-UP...
4L60E Reman Pump (4L60E) (13 Vane, No Lip) (1995-2003) (Remanufactured)
4L60-E, 4L65-E, 4L60-E-HD, 4L70-E 4-Speed Automatic Transmission Oil Pan (With Drain Plug, Deep Filer Type, Powder Coated)
4L60E, 4L65E Automatic Transmission Shallow Pan Filter (Filtran) (24200796)Not for 97-Up Corvette