Product Overview
Chevrolet, GMC 4L60E Automatic Transmission Pan with no Drain Plug, step on one corner and round dimple in pan.
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Chevrolet, GMC 4L60E Automatic Transmission Pan with no Drain Plug, step on one corner and no round dimple in pan.
4L60E 4-Speed Automatic Transmission Pan with Drain Plug
Chevrolet, GMC 4L60E Automatic Transmission Pan with no Drain Plug, with 4 Tangs.
Chevrolet, GMC 4L60E Corvette Automatic Transmission Pan with Step, Round Indentation and no Drain Plug.
4L60E Reman Pump (4L60E) (13 Vane, No Lip) (1995-2003) (Remanufactured)
4L60-E, 4L65-E, 4L60-E-HD, 4L70-E 4-Speed Automatic Transmission Oil Pan (With Drain Plug, Deep Filer Type, Powder Coated)
Ford 4R44E, 4R55E, 5R44E, 5R55E Automatic Transmission Oil Pan With Three Steps, No Drain Plug. Please order:1 x 56300E for pan gasket
4L60E, 4L65E Automatic Transmission Shallow Pan Filter (Filtran) (24200796)Not for 97-Up Corvette