Product Overview
MP1522 Transfer Case Half (52720 K) (CAV 1)
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Ford New Process NP-208F Front Case Half With Casting Number C-13682.
BW-4473 Front Transfer Case Half (44-73-065-901) (A03800) (Good-Used)
BW-4416 Front Case Half (44-16-065-904A) Bearings not Included (Good-Used)
NP207-C2 Chevrolet Transfer Box Front Case Half (C-15510) (09104 – this casting number is not always present on the front case half) (Good-Used)
BW 4422 Front Cae Half (Includes Ring Gear, Shift Rail, Shift Cam, Shift Cam Pins and Shifter Seat that Connect to Shift Rail) (Shifter is Not Included) (Uses Output Bearing 6306 and Input Bearing...
NP-273 Transfer Case Dodge Front Case Half (46901-A) 47030 (Uses Input Bearing 6211 / Output Bearing 6011) (Good Used)
NP207AmericanMotors Front Transfer Case Half (Casting C-15756) (09104) (Uses Two Bearing Number SCE3210 For Input Shaft & Bearing 6206 or 6206N For The Front Output) (Good-Used)
BW 4411 Front Transfer Case Half (42AE Casting Number 44-11-065-902 MPA) (Come with Ring Gear) (Uses Input Bearing 6209 and Output Bearing 6207) (Good - Used)