Product Overview
Ford Automatic Transmission
Auxiliary Valve Body Gasket (E2DZ-7F497-A)
C4 1964-1981
C5 1982-1986
Auxiliary Valve Body Gasket (E2DZ-7F497-A)
C4 1964-1981
C5 1982-1986
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Hmm, not sure if this is in stock. Contact us for availability.
C4 Valve Body Gasket (C4AZ-7D100-B) | 1964 Applications
4-Speed 4L30E Automatic Transmission Auxiliary Valve Body Gasket Kit.Compatible with GM1 x 41316A2 x 41317A1 x 41331
A40 Series Gasket, Aux Valve Body (Lower) (1979-2004) (35436-30040) / A40/D, A42D/DL, A43D/DE/DL, A44DE/DL, A45DL, A46DE/DF, A47DE, AW70/71/72, AW/BW55
Ford Automatic Transmission 1970-1981 Valve Body Gasket (in line 6 cyl & V8 eng) (D9AZ-7D100-B) C4 1970-1981
700-R4, Auxiliary Valve Body, Aluminum (700-R4) (L1987-1993) (Good - Used) (3663600)
Valve, Accumulator Auxiliary Valve Body (Steel Upgrade) (Tranny uses 3) (N.L.) (89-05)
700-R4 Valve Body (Premium) (Auxiliary)1993 P74740-8