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Hmm, not sure if this is in stock. Contact us for availability.
Spring, TCC Shift Valve Anti Shudder w/ TCC Delay (85-95) (56741C-3) (45064135)
01M-1P TCC Regulator Valve Spring (5 per bag) (75741Q-3) (119940-19)
4R44E, 4R55E, 5R44E, 5R55E TCC Regulator Valve Spring Kit (5 Inner & Outer Sets, OEM Rating) (1995-up) S56741CA-3K (Sonnax 37947-46K)
A4LD Relief Valve (Bag of 10) (1985-1995) (56741A-1) (3L5Z-7M203JA)
4L60E, Valve, TCC Replacement, PWM Power-Valve (1993-Up)
A4LD Automatic Transmission Valve Body Kit, Transgo Junior Shift Kit, A4LD (1985-1995) (SK A4LD-Jr) (K27908J)
Valve End Plug Kit (3 Large, 1 Medium, 2 Small w/ O-Rings) (56741-6AK) (56947-14K)