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A42DE, A42DL, A43DE, A43DL, A44DE, A44DL, A45DL (Waved Fwd, Dir, L/Rev Frictions) Banner Kit includes everything in the Overhaul Kit plus fiber clutch frictions. (8/81-Up) (L81-Up) (57004HDF)
Filter Kit Comes with Filter and Pan Gasket.
Toyota AW A45DL Automatic Transmission Friction Module Kit
Toyota AW A45DLE Automatic Transmission Steel Module Kit
Automatic Transmssion Front Pump D-Ring (35147-22010) 1972-2004 A40 Series, A40, A40D, A42D, A42DL A43D, A43DE, A43DL A44DE, A44DL, A45DL, A46DE, A46DF, A47DE, AW70, AW71, AW72, AW55, BW55
Filter, Toyota A42DL, A43DL, A44DL, A45DL, A45DF (1981-Up) - Alt Brand (35303-14010)
Automatic Transmission Master Rebuild Kit (with Flat Forward, Direct and Low/Reverse Frictions).Includes paper, rubber, gaskets, o-rings, lip seals, metal clad seals, sealing ring kit, friction and...
Automatic Transmission Sealing Ring Kit (3 Metal - 10 Teflon) 1984-2001 A42DL, A44DL, A45DL
Automatic Transmission Main Valve Body Gasket (#2) (Lower) (A42DL/A43DL/A44DL/A45DL/A43D/AW70/71/72) (1983-1995) (35434-14012)