Product Overview
Aisin Warner AW450-43LE, Toyota A440F, A442F, A443 Automatic Transmission (RNJ) Timing Solenoid (2 Hole Bracket 1998-2013) (5A-404 / 97202074)
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Aisin Warner AW450-43LE, Toyota A440F, A442F, A443 Automatic Transmission (RNJ) Timing Solenoid (2 Hole Bracket 1998-2013) (5A-404 / 97202074)
Aisin Warner AW450-43LE (RNJ), Toyota A440F, A442F, A443 Automatic Transmission Lockup TCC Torque Converter Clutch Solenoid With 45 Degree Bracket 1998-2013 (5A-403 / 97202073) - NOT FOR A343...
AW450-43LE (RNJ), A440F, A442F, A443 Shift 1 And 2 Solenoid With A 90 Degree Bracket. 1998-2013 Up (5A-402 / 8-97202072-0). Please order 2, one of shift-1 and one for shift-2. - NOT FOR A343...
A440, A440F, A442F Automatic Transmission 4-Piece Solenoid Kit. Compatible with / Fits ToyotaKit Includes:1 x D49421A - Timing2 x D49422A - 1st and 2nd Shift1 x D49425A
Automatic Transmission Pump Bushing (137034A) AW450-43LE 1998-UP A440F, A442F (4 Speed) 1985-1995
A442F (FZJ80) 4WD Automatic Transmission Master Rebuild Kit. Includes Transfer Case Gaskets And Seals (137006DF).Includes paper, rubber, gaskets, o-rings, lip seals, metal clad seals, sealing ring...
A442F (FZJ80) 4-Speed Automatic Transmission Overhaul Repair Kit. Includes paper, rubber, gaskets, o rings, lip seals, metal clad seals and sealing ring kit. Compatible with / Fits Toyota Landcrusier...
Toyota A440F, A442F 4-Speed RWD 4WD Automatic Transmission Sealing ring Kit For The Transfer Case. Includes 2 Metal Rings 1985-1995.
Toyota A440F, A442F 4-Speed RWD 4WD Automatic Transmission Sealing ring Kit. Includes 7 Metal And 6 Teflon Rings 1985-1992.
Toyota A440F, A442F 4-Speed RWD 4WD Automatic Transmission Sealing ring Kit. Icludes 6 Metal And 4 Teflon Rings 1993-1995.